Vou logo deixar claro que a
lista não é minha, mas eu
assino embaixo dela. Não me lembro de ter encontrado uma lista de músicas tão
dinâmica, que englobasse décadas de sons, e não se limita só em canções
populares de artistas famosos. A lista é do blog parceiro Subversivo do Século XXI. Talvez suas preferências políticas
não batam com a dele, mas você há de tirar o chapéu para esses 200 sons, ou
mesmo boa parte deles. Com a permissão dele, eu fui baixando som por som no You
Tube através desse site, zipei em pastas, e coloquei para download em packs,
logo após cada listagem. Vai fundo.
HIT: POP & ROCK - Nas décadas de: 60, 70,
80, 90, 00, e início do século XXI.
01 –
001 - Suspicious Mind - Elvis Presley
002 – Something - George Harrison
003 - Godbye yellow brick road - Elton John
004 - I Need to be in love - The Carpenters
005 - Sitting - Cat Stevens
006 - All My Love - Led Zeppelin
007 - Get off my cloud - Rolling Stones
008 - All along the watchtower - Bob Dylan
009 - A Time For Everything - Jethro Tull
010 - The boxer - Simon and Garfunkel
011 - Afraid - David Bowie
012 - Roll The Bones - Rush
013 - Lady in black - Uriah Heep
014 - Breakfast in America - Supertramp
015 - Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
016 - See Me, Feel Me - The Who
017 - Hey Joe -
Jimi Rendrix
018 - White room - Cream
019 - With You There To Help Me - Jethro Tull
020 - That's
What I Want - The Square Set
021 - Midnight train
- Buddy Guy
022 - I can't help falling in love with you - Elvis
023 - House of the rising sun - The Animals
024 - San Francisco - Scott McKenzie
025 - C'est la vie - Emerson Lake & Palmer
026 - Songs From The Wood - Jethro Tull
027 - Hurricane - Bob Dylan
028 - Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
029 - The show most go on – The Queen
030 - Let's get together - The Youngbloods
031 - Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John
032 - Lady Jane - The Rolling Stones
033 - Only strong survive - Billy Paul
034 - Dream on – Aerosmith
035 - I feel good – James Brown
036 - Don't forget to remember - Bee Gees
037 - Peace train - Cat Stevens
038 - Eleanor Rigby – Beatles
039 - Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
040 – School – Supertramp
041 - I Need You Tonight - ZZ Top
042 - Summertime - Janis Joplin
043 - Benefit - Jethro Tull
044 - Sweet Caroline - Elvis Presley
045 - Smoke on the water - Deep purple
046 - Solid rock - Bob Dylan
047 - Breakthrough - Chris Farlowe & Atomic
048 - kathy's song - Paul Simon
049 - Sunny - Johnny Rivers
050 - Blind eye - Uriah Heep
051 - I'm a believer - The monkees
052 - I dont want – Nazareth
053 - Alive and kicking - Simple Minds
054 - The Rover - Led Zeppelin
055 - Paint it black - The Rolling Stones
056 - With A Little Help From My Friends - Beatles
057 - Breathe in the Air - Pink Floyd
058 - I'm deranged - David Bowie
059 - Island girl - Elton john
060 - Jack in the Green - Jethro Tull
061 - Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits
062 - Earthshine - Rush
063 - Hit the road jack - Ray Charles
064 - Fly away - Lenny kravitz
065 - It's alright, ma (i'm only bleeding) - Bob Dylan
066 - For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield
067 - Dreamer - Supertramp
068 - Dust in the wind - kansas
069 - Morning has
broken - Cat Stevens
070 - Only Yesterday - The Carpenters
071 - You and me - Alice Cooper
072 - Crimson and clover - Tommy james and the
073 - Layla - Derek
& Dominoes
074 - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away – Beatles
075 - Satellite of love - Lou Reed
076 - If it don't fit don't force it - Clarence Carter
077 - Queen and Country - Jethro Tull
078 - Pinball wizard - The who
079 - Jumping jack flash - The Rolling Stones
080 - Can't find a reason - Chris Farlowe
081 - Time - Pink Floyd
082 - The guitar man - Bread
083 - Bringin' Home the Rain - The Builders and the
084 - Baby, stop crying - Bob Dylan
085 - Sound like a melody – Alphaville
086 - You can call me al - Paul Simon
087- Lucy in the sky with diamonds - Elton John
088 - A little less conversation - Elvis Presley
089 - We got we -
Uriah Heep
090 – Centerfold - J. Geils Band
091 - Run to the Hills - Iron Maiden
092 - Penny Lane - Beatles
093 - It's rain again - Supertramp
094 - Protect and
Survive - Jethro Tull
095 - You've lost that lovin' feelin' - Johnny Rivers
096 - Ashes to ashes - Faith No More
097 - Bend me, shape me - The American Breed
098 - The unforgiven (In bluegrass style) - Iron Horse
099 - Two Princes - Spin Doctors
100 - Hey You - Pink Floyd
101 – 200:
101 - Where do the children - Cat Stevens
102 - Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
103 - Give me shelter - The Rolling Stones
104 - The Ballad of a Thin Man - Bob Dylan
105 - I've been waiting for you - David Bowie
106 - Resist - Rush
107 - Five long years - Buddy Guy
108 - All Along The Watchtower - Jimi Rendrix
109 - Me And Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin
110 - Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley
111 - Here, There And Everywhere - The Beatles
112 - Teacher - Jethro Tull
113 - What a lucky man he was - Emerson, lake and
114 - I want it all - The Queen
115 - The Ballad of Danny Bailey - Elton John
116 - Your song - Billy Paul
117 - Changes - Black Sabbath
118 - The logical song - Supertramp
119 - Lithium - Nirvana
120 - Don't you (forget about me) - Simple Minds
121 - Vicious - Lou reed & the velvet underground
122 - Don't Think Twice It's All Right - Bob Dylan
123 - Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
124 - The shadows and the wind - Uriah Heep
125 - InThe Flesh - Pink Floyd
126- Patches - Clarence Carter
127 - She is like a rainbow - The Rolling Stones
128 - Another day - Paul mc cartney & wings
129 - Rocks On The Road - Jethro Tull
130 - Have You Ever Seen The Rain? - Creedence
131 - On the Road Again - Willie Nelson
132 - Bridge Over Troubled - Elvis Presley
133 - Banapple Gas - Cat Stevens
134 - Ghost Rider - Johnny Cash
135 - Big in japan - Alphaville
136 - There's a kind of a hush - The Carpenters
137 - Words - Bee Gees
138 - The Seeker - The Who
139 - Freeze Frame - J. Geils Band
140 - You know i'm no good - Amy Winehouse
141 - The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan
142 - I smell trouble - Buddy Guy
143 - Skyline Pigeon - Elton John
144 - Give a little bit - Supertramp
145 - Uncle Albert - Paul & Linda
146 - Too Old To Rock 'n Roll, Too Young To Die -
Jethro Tull
147 - Gotta love it solo (Crying) - Aerosmith
148 - Perfect strangers - Deep Purple
149 - Mother - Pink Floyd
150 - D'yer Mak'er - Led Zeppelin
151 - Like a rolling stone - The Rolling Stones
152 - The man who sold the world - David Bowie
153 - Subdivisions - Rush
154 - Burning love - Elvis Presley
155 - Yesterday when i was young - Roy clark
156 - Hello, i love you - The doors
157 - Crazy - Gnarls barkley
158 - Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
159 - While my guitar gently weeps - Jeff Healey
160 - Lay, lady, lay - Bob Dylan
161 - Something or nothing - Uriah Heep
162 - To Cry You A Song - Jethro Tull
163 - Sound of silence - Simon & Garfunkel
164 - Jealous Guy - John Lennon
165 - Honey Man - Elton John & Cat Stevens
166 - Monkberry Moon Delight - Paul McCartney
167 - Bad To The Bone - GeorgeThorogood & The
168 - Don't Cry - GunsN' Roses
169 - Shine on You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
170 - Take the long way home - Supertramp
171 - I Guess That's Why They CallIt The - Elton John
172 - My Pledge Of Love - Joe Jeffrey Group
173 - You're In My Heart - Rod Stewart
174 - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - The Queen
175 - Sympathy for the devil - The Rolling Stones
176 - You gave me a mountain - Elvis Presley
177 - Smooth
Criminal - Michael Jackson
178 - Cry Baby - Janis Joplin
179 – Sara - BobDylan
180 - Wake Up Little Susie - The Everly Brothers
181 - Blood Brothers - Iron Maiden
182 - Love hurts - Nazareth
183 - I've got the blues - Buddy Guy
184 - Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush
185 - Perhaps Love - John Denver & Placido Domingo
186 - Bottom of the Lake - The Builders and The
187 - San
Franciscan Nights - Harpo
188 - I'm eighteen - Alice Cooper
189 - After Midnight - Eric Clapton
190 - In a gadda da vida - Iron Butterfly
191 - Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
192 - Nothing else matters - Metalica
193 - Rock And Roll All Night - Kiss
194 - Show Me The Way - Peter Frampton
195 - Hotel California - Eagles
196 - Diamonds and Rust - Joan Baez
197 - Morning Dew ((Walk Me Out in the) - Grateful
198 - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - NeilYoung
199 - Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
200 - The Real Me - The Who
Ordem aleatória
(Uma preferência pessoal)
Algumas músicas
poderão ser substituídas por outras após as próximas revisões. Anon, SSXXI
Leia: A direita do rock (Rock é um movimento de liberdade e não de socialistas pró-estado)