Top 20 Vendas (EUA) – Julho de 2016

A Diamond publicou a lista das HQs mais vendidas em julho de 2016 nos EUA. Confira o top 20:

01) Justice League #1 (DC)

02) Justice League Rebirth #1 (DC)

03) Batman #2 (DC)

04) Civil War II #3 (Marvel)

05) Batman #3 (DC)

06) Nightwing Rebirth #1 (DC)

07) Civil War II #4 (Marvel)

08) New Super Man #1 (DC)

09) Nightwing #1 (DC)

10) Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1 (DC)

11) Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1 (DC)

12) Wonder Woman #2 (DC)

13) Flash #2 (DC)

14) Titans #1 (DC)

15) Superman #2 (DC)

16) Detective Comics #936 (DC)

17) Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Rebirth #1 (DC)

18) Superman #3 (DC)

19) Flash #3 (DC)

20) Batgirl #1 (DC)

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